CBD and drug interactions

CBD has tremendous therapeutic potential, and it is of great benefit to many people. However, if you are taking medication, it is important to make sure that CBD is compatible with your treatment. CBD & Drugs


Did you know that it was not recommended to drink grapefruit juice when taking certain medications ? No-no, it's not a joke. In the United States, the very serious American Drug Agency (FDA) recommends not drinking grapefruit juice when taking certain medications. While normally drinking a large glass of grapefruit juice can only do you good, it is different during medical treatment because grapefruit can change the way the medication will work in the body. When you take CBD oil, cannabidiol (CBD) will be metabolized in the liver. When you take CBD oil, cannabidiol (CBD) will be metabolized in the liver. It will inhibit the enzymatic activity of the breakdown of various drugs. These enzymes are : CYP2C19, CYP2D6 and CYP3A4.

What happens then?

Drugs that are degraded by the CYP2C19 enzyme may be degraded more slowly and have a greater effect. 5JIANG et al. 2013)CBD inhibits the activity of the CYP2D6 enzyme, so drugs that require this enzyme will be degraded less rapidly and have a greater effect. And for CYP3A4, some drugs may slow down the degradation of CBD in the liver.