CBD & Allergy

CBD, allergies and asthma

The World Health Organization (WHO) considers allergy to be the 4th disease in the world after cancer, heart disease and HIV. Over the past 45 years, the number of people with allergies has been steadily increasing. In 1970, only 2 to 3% of the population suffered from this disease, in 2010 this figure has been multiplied by 10. And forecasts predict that one in two people will be allergic in 2050.


What is an allergy ? 

Every day our body defends itself against external attacks, microbes, viruses, bacteria, etc. To defend itself against these attacks, our body uses its personal defense system : the immune system. The role of the immune system is to defend the body against all diseases. If a virus or bacteria crosses the natural barriers of our body, our immune system enters the arena with the aim of destroying the intruder. During an allergic reaction, the immune system will perceive an external element as an aggression. Pollen, eggs, peanuts, or the cat's hair will trigger a disproportionate reaction of the immune response. The body will defend itself exaggeratedly against what it believes to be an aggression. The reaction will then provoke various symptoms :

  • Asthma
  • Rhinitis
  • Hives
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Eczema
  • Anaphylactic shock

The allergy can be triggered at any time in life. A child can be born allergic, and a 40-year-old person who never has any allergies can suddenly develop an allergy. We are not all equal when faced with this risk. Some people are genetically predisposed. For example, if both parents are allergic, then the child will have an 80% chance of being allergic. The risk drops to 50% if only 1 parent is allergic. However, it is not uncommon for a child to be allergic when the parents are not.

What are the different types of allergies ?

Food allergies 

Symptoms are cutaneous (eczema, hives, edema), digestive (pain, diarrhea), or systemic, i.e. affecting the whole body, which can go as far as severe allergic shock. The foods responsible for allergic reactions are well known and numerous: eggs, milk, peanuts, fish, shellfish, etc..

Respiratory allergies 

The symptoms are mainly respiratory, and cause allergic rhinitis (repeated sneezing, stuffy or runny nose, itching). 2 types of allergic rhinitis are distinguished:

  • The persistent rhinitis, which lasts more than 4 days per week, and at least 4 weeks per year. It is caused by allergens present in the patient's direct environment.
  • Intermittent rhinitis, which lasts less than 4 days per week and less than 4 weeks per year. It is consecutive to the arrival of pollens.

Allergies to certain medications

Most medications can trigger an allergic episode of any type (respiratory, cutaneous, etc.). The most well known are antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, certain anesthetics, etc.

Skin allergies

Contact with certain substances, food, cosmetics, cleaning products, medication, or even metals can cause the body to break out in hives, with the appearance of red, itchy patches, or eczema with the same effect.

Allergies to venoms

A bee, wasp or hornet sting can trigger a major reaction around it. In the most severe cases, an anaphylactic shock can be life-threatening.



The simplest treatment is the removal of the offending allergen, when possible. Do not eat preparations that may contain a known allergen, keep pets away, change conventional bedding for another with anti-dust mite properties, etc.


In small doses, the immune system is accustomed to tolerating the allergen in question. This treatment is an excellent solution and the long-term results prevent the body from reacting. It is the only curative treatment.


  • Antihistamines, will block the action of histamine which is released during the reaction.
  • Corticosteroids are powerful anti-inflammatory drugs. They should be taken if antihistamines are not enough (take them immediately in case of edema).
  • Bronchodilators are used in case of breathing problems by inhalation.
  • Adrenaline, is the emergency treatment that allows a return to normal blood circulation in case of anaphylactic shock. It is offered in the form of a single-dose auto-injector pen.

CBD and allergies

  • Researchers at the University of Taiwan reported that CBD reduced the hypersensitivity reaction to a protein to which mice were allergic. Thus, the consumption of CBD (cannabidiol) from Cannabis Sativa reduces late-type hypersensitivity reactions.
  • Other studies on the use of CBD in cases of allergy have shown on guinea pigs, who had a narrowing of the airways after inhalation of an allergen, an improvement in their condition after CBD use.